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RAI Huxley lecture: Extended lives in global spaces: anthropology of Yolngu pre-burial ceremonies
The Royal Anthropological Institute
Madayin minytji: sacred body designs and Yolngu art and ceremony
Plenary debate: The free movement of people around the world would be utopian. IUAES2013
Hallsworth plenary debate: Justice for people must come before justice for the environment.
ASA Firth lecture: Arbitrating collective dreams: anthropology and the new worlding. IUAES2013
Keynote: The Wenner-Gren Foundation and the Past, Present and Future of Anthropology. IUAES2013
Tamara Wooranna Monash Lecture 2014.mp4
Plenary roundtable: World anthropologies today: experiences and prospects. IUAES2013
Yolngu Vision
2016 Ruth & Vincent Megaw Lecture in Archaeology & Art | Howard Morphy
IT Dept Yolngu Style